Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Some Good Marketing Funda Essay Example for Free

whatever Good Marketing Funda EssaySome good market Funda you can find much much at the link provided in the end.. Do read.. Marketing GD me mast points hai bolnekoWhen we think of marketing, we often think of Marketings efforts to formulate customers. The world, however, is moving toward relationship-based business, including subscription servicings and subscription commercebut also most other business. Consider consumer packaged goods companies that apply to have no direct relationship with customers, who bought in box stores. M any(prenominal) CPG companies ar now victimization online and social mediums to build direct relationships with their customers. In this world, customer retention is just as important as customer acquisition. So how do the 7 Ps of marketing apply to customer retention marketing?1. People be the most important. Retaining customers is close building relationships, and relationships are ab verboten people. Treat your customer as a person, and not a customer start by hiring people who show they care about others. Compare how you behave driving in rush-hour traffic with how you drive down your own street ult your neighbors. When you know you will see people again, or if you neediness to see them again, you treat them better. The whole attach to needs to care about customers and customer retention, and one executive must be responsible to check thats sohence the rise of the chief customer officer.2. Product is a very close routine in importance to People. If your intersection is off, you will have a difficult time with the rest of the Ps. However, if the point of intersection is on target, you will accomplish the rest of the Ps much more easily. When designing your product or service for maximum customer retention, provide quick time to value, continued value over time, and heights quality (those are what Apple does so well). Sometimes there is another P Packaging. I overwhelm packaging as part of the product (or servic e), and the key to it is polish.3. Place obviously matters when you are figuring out where to put your physical store, but what about when youre online? Does it matter there? Yes. If I am looking to spend with my customer and offer them an upsell, I could send them an email or message them right while they are shopping, browsing, or working on my site. The first communication is out of context and has a low break of response. The second is in context and has a higher likelihood of response. Place is context, and context matters.4. Price. In any good relationship, people take care of each other. That is now the pass judgmentation in the customer-business relationship as well. Our customers assume that we will look after them. That is what they pay us to do. In an e-commerce business, that sort of relationship elbow room providing deals for our recurring customers. In a subscription business, that means rolling new features (some, not all) into the service, over time, without cha rging more.5. Promotion. How should you promote your product or service to customers to retain them, upsell to them and keep them for the long haul? Quite differently from how you promote to a prospective customer. Why? Because the person is your customer. You know, or should know, him or her. You know what the customer bought from you or how he or she uses your service. You can use that information to message customers in a more targeted, appropriate, helpful, and effective way. Dont spam them with the same(p) generic info you send to everyone else. Send them targeted emails and in-context messages.6. Processes. To succeed in all of the previous Ps, and for this success to be more than a one-time fluke, you need good processes, such as monitoring social media and kind customers there, survey customers for satisfaction, and implementing marketing automation. My company uses its own customer engagement solution to understand how each customer is engaging with the business. We look f or positive or negative patterns and respond accordingly, sometimes by person or email but often right in our application with a targeted message based on behavior.7. Positioning. If you want to retain your customers, you have to know who you are and communicate that clearly and repeatedly to them so they know who you are as well. Foremost, however, is this Your actions must communicate your positioning. Those actions are showcased in the people you hire, the product you ship or service you deliver, the price you charge and the discounts you provide, the place and promotions you choose, and the processes you put in place. Combined, your words and actions say This is who we are and what you can expect of us.By acting on the 7 Ps of Customer Retention Marketing, you can keep your customers engender their interactions with your business successful and in so doing make your business more successful.

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