Thursday, October 10, 2019

What Is Justic

What is Justice? Justice is defined in the dictionary as â€Å"the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness†. However it’s interpreted differently by different people what some people think is a just, others and disagree and believe otherwise. I believe justice is when some is held accountable for the atrocity they have committed. When it comes to the death penalty though many society believe it is just to murder someone for the crime they commit, it is my believe death penalty cannot be just.The purpose of punishment is to teach a lesson so that you can learn from your mistake. There are different forms of punishment for different crimes punishment is needed to discourage people from committing a crime. There is a positive and negative punishment. A positive punishment is when you try to help the person and help them understand and may sometimes include rehabilitation. The negative punishment is: killing the person and shaming the person. The Maori way is a positive way of punishment. And the Portion’s way is a negative punishment.In the â€Å"Maori Way† the punishment wasn’t bad like the puritan. In the â€Å"Maori way† instead of sending him to jail they gave him a second chance to change. In the Maori Way it more about in the justice side because they didn’t put him in jail or kill him they gave him a chance to pay back his grandmother by getting a job and cooking for her. in the Maori Way the kid learns from his mistake which is the whole point of punishment. The old puritan society the punishments dealt to those who committed crimes were harsh.The puritan’s punishment’s had shame in it as part of the punishment. In the novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote â€Å"The Scarlet Letter† as a story shame and guilt, and how they affect people in the town. Nathaniel Hawthorne intended Hester Prynne's punishment to have to personify her guilt towards herself. It also shows how she responds to the guilt when she faced it. It is also expresses how often guilt can rip people apart from the inside out. The main protagonist was given a shameful punishment for committing adultery.In her case she was given a scarlet letter â€Å"A†. Puritans practice is very strict religion they believe that god has chosen who will go to heaven and hell from before birth and that the only way to ascend to heaven is to be the best person you can be. The death penalty is the short way out and it also does not solve the problem. By killing the person he/ she doesn’t learn anything for suffer. By killing someone will not bring back the person or really get you closer. And who are we do decide who gets to like or not.

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