Tuesday, October 22, 2019

As Christians we do have responsibilities for other people Essay Example

As Christians we do have responsibilities for other people Essay Example As Christians we do have responsibilities for other people Essay As Christians we do have responsibilities for other people Essay As Christians we do have responsibilities for other people. We should love, care and help our neighbours.Christians believe that God created everyone equal, and that we were all created in the image of God (Genesis chapter 1), because of this we also believe that we have the duty to care for others as well as ourselves. To be a Christian, we have to be stewards of the earth. Stewards look after the world God created, this includes humans as we live in it.In the New Testament we have several teachings where Jesus encourages us to love our neighbours. We see that we help all kinds of people regarding their religion or what they look like in The Good Samaritan when a Samaritan helps a man who has been beaten up and had his money stolen, and the man is a Levite and he would probably expect the least amount of help from a Samaritan as their people dont like each other. The Samaritan bandaged the mans wounds and took him to an inn and told them to look after him with my money. We learn fro m this parable that we should help our neighbour when they are in trouble or they need it.Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength is the great commandment. You cannot keep this commandment if you do not respect other humans, as they are also Gods creation. Love all your neighbour as yourself and you will keep Gods wishes.In another parable The Sheep and Goats Jesus explains that Christians will be judged on the last day on how they helped those in need. There are examples of giving food to the hungry , visiting a sick person, welcoming a stranger. Those people who have done these things will go to heaven As you did it to one of the least of my brothers, you did it to me and those who havent will go to hell. We learn that everything we do to our neighbours we do to God and if you dont help your neighbours , you do not help God.We believe in the Incarnation, that Jesus Christ is really and truly God and he was on Earth and in flesh. Jesus loved, cared and helped everyone he could and we should follow in his footsteps.Catechism 2258 Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end: no one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly- to destroy an innocent human being. In this catechism the Roman Catholic church tells us that life is sacred because God gave us life. We should cherish our lives and the life of others by helping them. Life is a precious gift from God; we should live our lives to the fullest. To show God we appreciate his gift we should also help others live their lives to the fullest. As a member of the Catholic Church your relationship with God should always be getting stronger, like confirmation and to prove your faith and to get closer to God you have to help others and you have to take that responsibility.Catechism 2069 One cannot honour another person without blessing God his creator. One cannot adore God without loving all men, his creatures. If you believe and say you are a Christian, you cannot ignore the needs of others. If you ignore the needs of others you are a hypocrite. This catechism is about putting your words into actions Actions speaks louder than words. We learn from the papal documents that we have the responsibility to protect the dignity of human lives. We need to work for the kingdom of God by helping others. We must help others and reject discrimination and show basic equality. In the Decree on the Apostle of Lay People we learn that Lay people share in the mission of the church to spread the Kingdom of God all over the earth. Lay people believe that kindness and love to others is the point on which all people will be judged.A great Christian example to follow is Oscar Romero. He was born in Ciudad Barrios, a town in the m ountainous east of El Salvador, on 15 August 1917..He went to a seminary in San Miguel, then to the capital San Salvador, and from there to Rome. He was ordained in 1942. In January 1944 he was across the city. In 1970, he became auxiliary bishop of San Salvador, and there he busied himself with administration.. In 1974, he became bishop of a rural diocese, Santiago de Maria. Three years later, in February 1977, Oscar Romero became archbishop of San Salvador.In that month soldiers in the town square of the capital attacked crowds of protesters. Then, on 12 March 1977, a priest was murdered, in Aguilares. He recognized that power lay in the hands of violent men, and that they murdered with impunity. The wealthy sanctioned the violence that maintained them. Death squads committed murder in the cities while soldiers killed as they wished in the countryside. More and more Romero committed himself to the poor and the persecuted,, his church began to document the abuse of human rights, an d to establish the truth in a country governed by lies, where men and women simply disappeared without account.But when a succession of priests were murdered Romero found in their deaths testimony of a church incarnated in the problems of its people. On 24 March 1980, he was suddenly shot dead while celebrating mass in the chapel of the hospital where he lived. Oscar Romero devoted his time to help those who were poor and were persecuted, he did not have to do anything but he chose to and thats why he is a good example to follow. Christians should show more often that life is sacred by helping other people like Oscar Romero.

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