Monday, July 22, 2019

Security Management Essay Example for Free

Security Management Essay Instructions to candidates: 1. There is no time restriction set for this paper and you may refer to your course text. 2. Clearly print your name in the blank spaces provided on the answer sheet. 3. Read each question carefully, and circle the option letter of your selected answer on the question paper; then transfer your answer to the answer sheet by putting an X through the appropriate answer box or by writing in the answers (if the question requires it). 4. Please answer all the questions and check your answers carefully. 5. On completion submit the answer sheet to Perpetuity Training, 148 Upper New Walk, Leicester, LE1 7QA by the date required. 1. Very generally it is agreed that terrorism is defined by a group which: A. Wishes to kill its political enemies and influence potential allies B. Wishes to politically and ideologically influence others by the use or threat of use of, violence C. Wishes to promote religious ideologies through the use of force or the threat of force. D. Wishes to resist government oppression through the use of irregular warfare 2. It is argued that the term terrorism derives from the reign of terror after the French revolution. In what year was the French Revolution? A. B. C. D. 1564 1694 1794 1894 3. Historically, terrorist groups (although most organisations do not like being referred to as terrorists!) have tended to adhere to either a politically left or right wing ideology. But what do we mean by the term ‘ideology’? A. B. C. D. Right wing beliefs Left wing beliefs Religious beliefs Systems of belief 4. What is state terrorism? A. B. C. D. Terrorism directed against the state The state’s definition of terrorism Terrorism only directed at governments Terrorism committed by the state 5. Modern Terrorists differ from their historical predecessors mainly in: A.  B. C. D. The sophistication of their ideologies The sophistication of their targets and timing The sophistication of their attack and planning Their sophistication of their demands 6. What is an IED? A. B. C. D. An improvised explosive detonation An immediate explosive detonation An improvised explosive device An in-car explosive device 7. Which of the following is not normally part of an IED? A. B. C. D. The Timer The Donator The power supply The delivery platform 8. When conducting a terrorism risk assessment we need to consider: A. B. C. D. Assets, threats and vulnerabilities Origins, tactics and membership Aims, abilities and determination Specialty weapons and tactics 9. Who said ‘The war on terror resembles the great clashes of the last century between democracy and totalitarianism’? A. B. C. D. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher President George W Bush Prime Minister Tony Blair President Barack Obama 10. What is a hard target reconnaissance? A. B. C. D. An examination of the intended target by the terrorist prior to the attack The selection by the terrorist of a difficult target The final briefing to the terrorist attack group before the attack The terrorist debrief after a difficult operation 11. What is defence/security in depth? A. B. C. D. A form of maritime security Impenetrable security measures Environmental security measures Interlocking layers of security 12. The 1996 Manchester bombing was an attack carried out by the Provisional IRA in Manchester, England. The bomb targeted the citys infrastructure and economy and caused widespread damage, estimated by insurers at: A. B. C. D.  £7 million  £17 million  £70 million  £700 million 13. In which year was the UK Terrorism Act passed? A. B. C. D. 2005 2006 2007  2008 14. In what year did the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism (CECPT) come into force? A. B. C. D. 2005 2006 2007 2008 15. One of the most powerful pieces of counter terrorist legislation enacted was in the US, where The Homeland Security Act (HSA). In which year did it come into force? A. B. C. D. 16. 2000 2001 2002 2003 What is the ISPS? A. B. C. D. The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code The Internal Ship and Port Facility Security Conditions The Internal Ship and Port Facility Security Code The International Safety and Port Facility Security conditions 17. The ISPS applies to all vessels over: A. B. C. D. 300 gross weight tonnes 400 gross weight tonnes 500 gross weight tonnes 600 gross weight tonnes 18. Port facilities serving ships where the ISPS applies require an ISC. What is the ISC? A. B. C. D. International Safety Charter International Security Certificate International Shipping Charter International Sailing Certificate 19. Which of the following is not a key document that should form part of an organisation’s security methods and techniques? A. B. C. D. Business Continuity Plans Major Incident Plans Security Procedures Terrorist Attack Plans 20. What is ISO 27001? A. The introduction of an information security management system B. The introduction of an intermodal supply chain security management system C. The introduction of a risk management system D. The introduction of a terrorist security system 21. What is ISO 3100? A. The introduction of an information security management system B. The introduction of an intermodal supply chain security management system C. The  introduction of a risk management system D. The introduction of a terrorist security system 22. What is ISO 28001? A. The introduction of an information security management system B. The introduction of an intermodal supply chain security management system C. The introduction of a risk management system D. The introduction of a terrorist security system 23. Every physical security system should have an OR what is an OR? A. B. C. D. Optional Requirement Operational Requirement Operating Regulation Operator’s Regulation 24. It is logical that in order for an organisation to be prepared for a terrorist attack there need to be adequate levels of: A. B. C. D. Fire extinguishers and smoke alarms Access control and swipe cards Training and awareness Profiling and reporting 25. Who said ‘Kill one, frighten ten thousand’? A. B. C. D. Lao Tao Sun Tzu Confucius Kuan Ti

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