Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Identify the primary theories that guide your intergrated theoretical Essay

Identify the primary theories that guide your intergrated theoretical perspective of social work practice - Essay Example A boundary line such as a line, a plane or a point, implies or secures a limit, a periphery, a range, or a barrier. To span â€Å"is to form an arch over, to extend over across† (Kerson, 2002, 1); thus, a boundary-exceeding framework to health-related social work broadens over already penciled in barriers so as to provide social workers a greater range of perceptiveness, greater autonomy in interventions, and greater access to organizations and structures. This paper then will discuss the importance of boundary-exceeding in all areas of social work so that social workers can learn to assist their patients, clients and consumers to achieve their aspirations (ibid). Throughout its years of experience, social work practice in mental health has revised itself by or has been described by several boundaries. Occasionally, the borders have been created for the participants; some times, the restrictions have been designed by the participants themselves. Such limitations have occasionally got in the way of social workers’ capability to comprehend or resolve in the most practical means. Throughout time, even if social workers have drawn the parameters themselves, they have discovered the boundaries too limiting (Meyer, 1988). In response, social workers have had to locate ways to batter down the hindrances, to do the practice tantamount to finding tougher or wider scopes, opening entryways, breaking down walls, or insisting for greater autonomy. This ecological reinterpretation caters to and redefines various existing parameters or boundaries, and this reinterpretation claims that parameters have to be spanned in manners that are less preventing (ibid). The first parameter that should be spanned is the thing that detaches health care from mental health care. Fresh knowledge on the symptomatology, etiology and handling of an array of

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