Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Drug War :: essays research papers

Drug War or Hypocritical PoliciesAs of April 21, 2005, the U.S has spent $6,193,703,704 Federal dollars and $9,507,335,186 State dollars1on the Drug War in the States. Has all of this money gone to waste or are we fighting the inevitable. I say the inevitable. We as Americans dont want the governments side of EVERYTHING we gather in a say in what goes on in this country, dont we? If this is so why then is this occurringIn 2000 it was discovered that the White House shoes of National Drug Control Policy used financial incentives to get newspapers and magazines to editorialize in favor of the drug war and get TV and moving picture producers to change their scripts to reflect pro-drug war views. Court records show that Members of Congress created the federal governments first anti-drug advertising campaign in 1998 as a way of using billions of taxpayer dollars to influence voters to reject state medical marijuana ballot measures.2These people who claim to be trying to help America w ith the Drug War problem, are scribes and Pharisees as quoted from the Bible But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocritesfor ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against menfor ye neither go in yourselves,neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.3As Chris Rock said on the movie Head of State, How can you fight a war on drugs if you never smoked the chronic? These people dont understand how their choices because of their social rankings affect our teen age. We dont throw away the resources to get the drugs that others may be able to obtain. Especially the lower- class people who have limited means so of course they are wanting the cheaper drugs, such as cocaine or heroine.

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