Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling Essay -- Pro Con Essays

All children in America have the right to a quality education. Most students receive that education through conventional means, going to a public or private school. There is another option for today's children, home schooling. Home schooling is a controversial issue. While it does have its benefits, some people believe it has too many downfalls to be an effective method of education. In this paper, topics such as academic impact, social impact, and parental opinions of home schooling will be discussed. Perhaps the most significant impact of home schooling is the actual learning. There are many academic advantages. In a home schooling situation, there is no doubt a more individualized program of study than any traditional school can offer. Whatever a child's pace or level of ability is, it can be met directly. A parent or tutor can focus exactly on what the child needs extra help or improvement in, as well as what the child excels at.(Ray, 2014) In a public school, teachers must teach to "the middle" and have little time to cater to an individual student's needs on a regular basis. There is also room for a better quality of learning in a home schooling setting. Parents or tutors in a home school setting do not have to waste time with administrative tasks or repeating directions. They can get down to learning and reviewing. If a child is ok with a subject, they can move on. A child who is home schooled also has the opportunity to take part in a greater number of alternative learning experiences. For example, if a parent feels that a trip to a museum will better get a point across, on the spur of the moment they can take their child. Such spontaneity would not be possible in a regular school classroom. A certain structure is expected in a public school. In home schooling, parents or tutors are free to teach using methods they deem appropriate to the situation and the student. In a traditional school, much time is wasted. The students need time to change classes, get out their homework, pass out papers, etc. Even getting to school is a long trek for some students. In a home schooling setting, these trivial tasks are greatly reduced. For example, the first day of school in a public or private traditional school normally means a lot of paperwork and administrative tasks. Students spend most of the day getting lockers and filling out emergency cards so t... ...l that it is a decision that a parent needs to make, based on what they feel are important standards for learning. Home schooling provides a more relaxed environment, with a one on one learning environment and a flexible schedule. It also provides a pace that is best for the child, an environment on areas children want to focus on as well as confident student who doesn ¦Ãƒ t have to deal with the feelings of others. However, it decreases the socialization of the child, less exposure to different ethnicities and a limited view of the real world. The parents probably do not have the knowledge they need to teach, there are more distractions to deal with and parents may not know how to teach. These ideas are serious to think about and only add to the controversial idea of home schooling. Articles/Scholarly Sources Ray, Brian D. Customization through Home schooling Education Leadership, April 2014, Volume 59. Issue 7. Romanowski, Michael. Common Arguments about the Strengths and Limitations of Home Schooling Clearing House, Nov/Dec 2014, Vol.75, Issue 2. Internet Sources www.homeschooling.about.com www.learninfreedom.com www.homeschoolingonline.org

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