Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Why I Want to Be a Teacher

Why I Like To Be a Teacher Teaching is a unique profession. It takes a lot of commitment, dedication, patience and above all, love for the act of helping others learn. Being a teacher is one of the noblest and most gratifying professions , no matter how difficult the road is. Undoubtedly, it is hard to deal with students, their behaviors, personal problems, difficult ages and even with their parents that sometimes do not support the teachers, and last but not least, the educational system itself. No matter how complicated your life can turn when you are a teacher, from a personal standpoint, I can say teaching pays off. I love to teach and I used to be a math teacher for many years. This subject is hardly ever the students’ favorite. Math is really tough, needs some logical reasoning, students’ focus in class and some study hours after class. Do all the students love all this? I bet. On the other hand, when a teacher teaches a not very likeable subject like math, you are not very likeable either. I personally think teaching Math is always a challenge but I have faced it with enormous pleasure. Being a teacher is gratifying. It feeds your spirit and fills your soul. It’s great to have the recognition of your students and a warm hug when you run into them after many years. You will not probably remember their names and pretend you do, but they will for sure remember yours. When you hear they are engineers, doctors, nurses, mechanics; whatever profession or occupation they mention, you feel very proud to know that you have contributed to build their futures. Your eyes shine with emotion. It is absolutely uplifting to be a teacher. Many teachers have had professional crises in which they get exhausted, bored, anxious or think teaching is a waste of time and thoughts of abandoning their classrooms invade them at times. I have not met a single teacher who has not been through these emotional feelings. Some reconsider and overcome this, others leave for good and regret it eventually. Even those who leave the teaching profession treasure very pleasant memories of heir times at school with their students and talk about it with love and enthusiasm. Fact is that teaching is tough, it is a rose full of thorns, but it is, without a doubt, a wonderful profession. Teaching is a profession that makes you always feel young at heart, no matter how old you are. The students’ energy, enthusiasm, their young spirit is as contagious as the worst of the viruses. When you are a teacher you become a friend, a counselor, a parent, an extraordinary human being. I know it is painstaking to be a teacher, it gives you no spare time to watch TV when you have to mark students’ essays. You go home with a pile of books to read for next class. Teaching is sometimes regarded as a way of living and not a profession. It is overlooked and underestimated. Despite all this, I consider being a teacher is a very honorable profession. I can say teaching is worthwhile. Bibliography> just personal experience Why I Want to be a Teacher I believe that everyone, one way or another, has progressed to where they are in life because they had a teacher. A teacher by definition is someone who provides educational instruction and communicates lifelong lessons. However, I see teachers beyond that common definition. Teachers have the opportunity to shed light on topics not commonly found in text books, to teach skills that students can use in real life, and to inspire students to overcome their adversities.But why become a teacher when you can become a doctor? Or a lawyer? I asked myself these same questions prior to joining the education program at the University of Guam. I found great intrinsic value of teaching by being able to inspire students to help others and to provide equal opportunities for those children who are considered â€Å"at risk†. I also found great extrinsic value in teaching because it provides a great work schedule and I am able to travel the world because education is rooted in every country. I did not want to become a teacher my first semester of college atThe University of Guam. I had my mind set on becoming a therapist because I felt that the main reasons why people kill other people or why kids end up in juvenile prison is due to the fact that they have an underlying stressor that causes them to act up. I wanted to help rid the world of angry and depressed people and help them begin their healing process so that they can become contributing members to the society. However, after two semesters I realized that all these problems could be solved if people were well educated and knowledgeable of the opportunities around them.I saw that schools were the perfect institution to influence children on becoming positive and active members of society. I want to be able to inspire students to engage in solidarity so that they can help those around them. I want to teach my students that they are more alike than different and to be able to recognize the problems that stem from our s ociety’s culture. There are also those students who are plagued by racial or financial setbacks regardless of how hard they try to succeed. I want to be able to reach out to those students and help them continue their education. I have seen so many classmates of mine who were overlooked because they were not the smartest in the class and those students ended up dropping out or getting into drugs.I want to be able to put more emphasis on the students who are  falling behind so that students feel more comfortable with being at school and prevent students from dropping out. Being a teacher requires that you give up a lot of your time and patience in hopes that your students succeed in life. Seeing your students become doctors, lawyers, or maybe even the president of the United States can be very rewarding even though teachers rarely gain recognition for their students’ accomplishments. However, teachers are rewarded not just intrinsically but extrinsically. One extrinsi c reason for why I want to become a teacher is because I get a great work schedule.Teachers get the weekends off, not to mention the summer and winter breaks as well. Being a student I was accustomed to having a summer break to recuperate and to prepare for the next semester and becoming a teacher I was able to keep the same lifestyle and still able to go back to my job when the school year started. Becoming a teacher was very appealing to me because I had a desire to join the Peace Corps upon graduating college and there are opportunities for teachers to travel around the world and teach in different countries, especially the third world countries. I loved to travel and help others and becoming a teacher gave me the means necessary to do both. In conclusion, I know becoming a teacher will be difficult but the rewards are more abundant than the costs.I hope to inspire students to reach out to others and to be able to recognize the problems that stem from our society’s culture . I would also love to see those students who are â€Å"at risk† succeeding to their fullest potential. I would love give back those privileges to those who are not as fortunate and travel the world spreading the love of learning in all parts of the world.

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