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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Social and Emotional Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Social and Emotional Learning - Essay Example †¢ Social enthusiastic learning in schools is best accomplished when they are customized. In other words that the social passionate learning ought to be standardized to have a center and perceived spot in the educational plan of the school. The way toward coding the social enthusiastic adapting needs of understudies into the school’s educational program is alluded to as social passionate picking up programming; and the particular exercises that fall under the social passionate getting the hang of writing computer programs are known as social enthusiastic learning programs. †¢ Roberts (2009) distinguishes some social passionate learning programs that could usually be utilized in out schools and that are similarly replicable in this specific school. However, even before explaining the particular social and enthusiastic learning programs that can be executed in schools, she alerts every one of the projects ought to have the option to â€Å"†provide some remuneration, regularly working with guardians and the nearby community†and this ought to in fact be the sole reason for making a decision about the feasibility of any named social and passionate learning program (p. 17). †¢ Based on the standards given over, the accompanying types of social and enthusiastic learning programs are recognized and quickly sketched out on how they work in the educational system. The projects incorporate citizenship instruction, Early Training Project, Penn Resiliency Program (PRP), individual social and wellbeing training (PSHE), Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL), the Carolina Abecedarian Project, and the Milwaukee Projects (p. 17-25). These social and enthusiastic learning programs are utilized in various pieces of the world; especially in the United States of America and in the United Kingdom. Contingent upon where these projects are discovered, they are executed in various structures. In the instances of the Early Training Project, the Carolina Abecedarian Project and the Milwaukee Projects, a ton of the consideration and spotlight is on kids from poor financial families. In reality, these types of social and passionate learning programs can't be tho ught little of in at any rate since given any reasonable universal schools framework; there is the probability that not all the kids would be of equivalent financial standing. In reality, it is consistent with concede that as a rule, understudies from low-class financial homes structure the dominant part in many schools and in this way adjusting these projects for any model schools would be a positive development. Examination directed on the feasibility and legitimacy of the three projects to be specific the Early Training Project, the Carolina Abecedarian Project and the Milwaukee Projects found that despite the fact that the projects didn't assume noteworthy jobs in improving the savvy remainders of the understudies in question, the understudies profited significantly regarding school and school achievement, social aptitudes and conduct. (p. 17). This is for sure an accomplishment that can't be thought little of in any capacity. This is on the grounds that the examination further expressed that combined with inspiration, the social and enthusiastic learning programs did so well in ‘reducing the effect on wrongdoing and improve wellbeing and work prospects†(p. 17). Different types of social and enthusiastic learning programs are similarly suitable. These are the individual social and wellbeing training (PSHE) and citizenship instruction. These two projects are normal in England. These two progra
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Business Strategy On Portfolio Management â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Talk About The Business Strategy On Portfolio Management? Answer: Introducation Undertaking the board is a different order for copying, arranging, executing, controlling, and following up with respect to the wok of a group to accomplish explicit objectives and meeting out explicit achievement measures (Kerzner, 2013). Moreover, a task is fundamentally a transitory undertaking which is intended for delivering an interesting item, administrations or any outcome inside a clear timespan (Verzuh, 2015). Additionally, it is embraced for meeting explicit objectives and goals which bring the useful change or included worth. This report depicts the venture the board for arranging a show and occasion of music show which is pointed towards sparing youthful lives. Besides, to arrange this show, appropriate administration must be done which includes different exercises. The exercises incorporate creation of an occasion plan, rattling off the asset necessities, staffing subtleties must be made, and sub contract prerequisite is to be satisfied (Larson and Gray, 2013). Addition ally, creation calendar or calculated ought to be made, area and site map must be incorporated for legitimate distinguishing proof by the crowds just as occasion spending should be settled which incorporates pay and use with the goal that costing could be diminished. Accordingly, this report is pointed towards the correct portrayal of venture the board with the goal that an occasion could be made a high achievement (Gido, Clements and Clements, 2014). By doing extend the executives, one of a kind outcome can be created which will satisfy the goal of this music show. Stock/required assets So as to do any extend, a task supervisor needs number of assets which will get them out during the achievement of the undertaking (Wysocki, 2011). For this occasion, right off the bat, the supervisor would require the physical assets, for example, premises, music hardware, speakers, cash, machines, stances of example of overcoming adversity, enormous LED screen for indicating narrative movies identified with self destruction anticipation, flags of supporters name, and so forth. Besides, the trough would require HR, for example, staff or colleagues, team individuals, guitarist, piano player, and artists. In addition, specialized assets are additionally required for dealing with specialized issues and for interfacing the hardware. Furthermore, the task director needs to gather the stock for doing occasion program, for example, enrichment things for enlivening the background of the stag. Further, supervisor would likewise require woofer and intensifier for better solid creation. Alongside that, chief ought to likewise organize the earphones for the crowds with the goal that they can hear it in an unmistakable way. Additionally, these assets are important to be organized so as to make the occasion an extraordinary achievement (Flyvbjerg, 2013). What's more, venture chief ought to likewise set up the agenda with the goal that nothing could be forgotten about for this undertaking. Offices and stag necessities So as to do music show, stag is required by the artist. Consequently, venture supervisor needs to mastermind the stag. Stag necessity remember the embellishment of scenery for which different lighting and flex ought to be required (Shields and Rangarajan, 2013). Also, for that, administrator needs to connect different sellers who can give it at generally lower costs with the goal that spending plan doesn't get cross. Further, stag additionally requires huge LED screen for demonstrating film, two flags of patrons name and appropriate establishment of all the music hardware like piano, guitar, drums, and so on. Alongside that, mic is likewise required for singing, for boisterous music voice and with legitimate module. The stag likewise need appropriate fittings and attachment for embeddings music hardware. Thusly, all these plan ought to be done progress of time so as to maintain a strategic distance from the unbalanced circumstance finally second (5 Basic Phases of Project Management, 2017). Moreover, offices are additionally required at the premises for the comfort of crowds. For that viewpoint, venture supervisor requires food and refreshments offices, water offices, stopping offices, A/C office, earphones office, tune booklet, keepsakes promotion books identified with structure, succeed and security life plan and significant life which ought to be made accessible at 2 corners of the stage. For keeping food offices, chief must contact the food sellers and organize the nourishment for number of individuals who will go to the occasion. For that, promoting must contact food merchants who can give quality food at lower costs by remembering the spending plan. Further, food ought to be effectively eatables and not a muddled sort of. Food ought to be paced appropriately and cleanliness ought to be there and furthermore paper towels ought to be masterminded visitors. Further, for water office, mineral water container ought to be provided to all the crowds so they can have wate r whenever they require. At that point, parking spot ought to be plentiful so as to stay away from unbalanced circumstance for exclusive class of individuals. On the off chance that, parking spot is less, at that point other space must be organized previously. Finally, A/C ought to be checked before the show and if not working they ought to be fixed and earphones ought to be given to the visitor to better tuning in. Effectively accessible assets The rundown of required assets has been made as of now and subsequent to breaking down the whole corridor where show will occur, a portion of the necessary assets have been found there. Stag is as of now worked there with proscenium and it is very enormous and roomy which will be useful for the artist to play music openly and the stage likewise has wings. Besides, there is a plentiful of seating space with 20941 seats so program can be sorted out everywhere scale. Moreover, corridor is outfitted with all offices including A/C, high solid speakers, Woofers and Amplifiers, slows down and dress circle plan and it has seats for kids also so individuals who are going with kids with them can cause them to stay there. Then again, the lobby additionally has tremendous territory for vehicle leaving with the goal that chief needs not to scan for another parking spot close by. All the visitor going to the show can leave their vehicle without any problem. Furthermore, the slows down are as of now settled there for food with the goal that any food thing can be set over it for the crowds. Besides, every one of these offices will truly help the director in dropping down their weight. Area of the errand State house Theater is situated in Sydney, Australia and it was opened in 1916 with over 100 years and gives world class diversion to individuals in Sydney. For instance, melodic, artful dance, shows, and so on. This lobby has been chosen because of different critical reasons. This corridor has all the pleasantries injected in it which makes it profoundly appealing to the crowds showing up there. Further, it is roomy so a colossal program could be sorted out in this lobby. In addition, the show lobby has an exquisite setting for ensemble and chamber symphony with the goal that a music show could be an incredible accomplishment here. Besides, jazz and awesome shows are likewise accessible so individuals will like it without a doubt. Alongside that, Further, it has plentiful of parking spot which will be simple for the individuals to leave their vehicle in an issue free mode. Furthermore, it is situated in the downtown suburb of Haymarket because of its area. The corridor is effectively available through open vehicle including train, light rail, transports, taxi or vehicle. The total location of this show corridor is 13, Campbell Street Haymarket NSW 2000 Australia. Further, the occasion will begin by 7 pm to 9.45 pm so individuals can get open vehicle without any problem. Number of staff individuals required for each errand Staff of the even incorporates organization staff, various volunteers from nearby youth networks, and understudies from University. Alongside that, 20 speakers, artists and artist have been booked for performing for the duration of the night. There are commonly 5 fundamental assignments which are essential and that must be essentially practiced for accomplishment of the task. First is the assortment of assets wherein by and large 3 individuals will be required. These three individuals from organization staff will go to customer and would be note down important data required for gathering assets. At that point they will gather all the necessary assets for this occasion. Further, the following undertaking is of designation of assets for duty and for that 5 staff individuals from a firm would be required. From that point onward, stag enhancement group will be develop and for that around 6 individuals will be required who will totally embellish and mastermind the stag for definite execut ion and among which 3 will stay constantly behind the stag for any prerequisites. Additionally, 5 volunteers of networks would be dispensed the assignment of going to the visitor when they enter the show corridor. Finally, the significant errand is of orchestrating food and conveying it to the crowds and for that 10 University Student would be required. In this manner, the best possible conveyance of the staff individuals will prompt a gigantic accomplishment of the undertaking. Work routine The work routine is essentially a timetable of complete task and there is a distinct timeframe for each venture. In this way, venture chief makes the work routine so as to achieve the undertaking in a given course of events. For the current venture of music occasion, cutoff time has been chosen for 60 days beginning from Tuesday 9/19/17 and closure on Monday 12/11/17. Besides, the supervisor has made a Gantt diagram for legitimate understanding and proper distribution of the errand for characterized number of days. For example, estimation of thought has been allotted 9 days, occasion idea has got 1 one day, etc. Staff roaster An appropriate roaster must be made by the chief with the goal that each staff part could have the data about their working days and hours. The roaster has been made as follows: Names Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Director 1 X
Friday, August 21, 2020
Lois Lowrys The Giver A Study of the Importance Ch Essay Example For Students
Lois Lowrys The Giver A Study of the Importance Ch Essay oice Making Plays Lois Lowrys The Giver: A Study of the Importance Choice Making Plays in the Ultimate Happiness of an Individual Lois Lowrys Newbery Award winning piece, The Giver, happens in a cutting edge society dependent on the idea of equivalence. An actual existence lacking hues, smells, emotions, music or decisions, 12-year-old Jonas finds, is certifiably not an attractive method to live. In the novel he communicates his dissatisfaction in the statement on the off chance that everythings the equivalent, at that point there arent any decisions. I need to get up in the mornings and choose things,(97). Jonas is chosen by the network to be the new Receiver of Memory, to hold all sentiments and recollections that could eventually obliterate similarity and concordance. Jonas comes to understand that in spite of the fact that the network harbors a clear security and tranquility, it denies its kin of the delight of distinction. Jonas hence sets out on a strategic the Giver, the old beneficiary of memory, to reestablish the sum total of what that has been lost to the network. As per Lowry herself, The Giver investigates the significance of making brave good choices(4). Lois Lowrys amazing words and provocative thoughts truly urge perusers to consider what a benefit it is to fill their heart with joy to day decisions and the magnificent opportunities they have in their general public. Lowry, in a meeting with pundit Carol Hurst, clarifies that the novel was enlivened by her dad who was, around then, in a nursing home having lost the vast majority of his drawn out memory. I understood one day while visiting my dad that, without memory, there is no agony, and I started to envision a general public wherein the past was purposely forgotten(4). Be that as it may, because of Lowrys depiction of a safe, easy society, pundit Jennifer Semple essentially states, in spite of the fact that they seem to have everything, they are missing something of extraordinary importance( This something that the residents are Bofinger 2 lacking is singularity. In the limited network of equivalence nobody is liberated to be oneself and the individuals live repetitive, dull lives. All through Lois Lowrys The Giver, it is obviously communicated that the push to guarantee the security of a general public by annulling decision, will in the end lead to the end of ones distinction and the pulverization of the human soul. At first, the point in the novel where Jonas starts to understand the significance of decision making, is the place he and the Giver are in the Givers office speaking. The Giver poses the inquiry: Its the picking that is significant isnt it?(98), to which Jonas concurs. At that point, after much conversation they go to a comprehension of the risks picking can bring and what the outcomes of wrong decisions might be. In any case, when the discussion went to different things, Jonas was left, still, with a sentiment of dissatisfaction that he didnt comprehend. He found that he was frequently irate now; unreasonably furious at his groupmates, that they were happy with their lives which had none the vibrance his own was taking on. What's more, he resented himself, that he was unable to change that for them(99). These contemplations and good difficulties Jonas suffers are starting to erode at him. He is left with numerous terrible feelings, for example, outrage, disappointment, and disarray. His satisfaction is lessening, and there is by all accounts something missing in his life. Moreover, what is absent in Jonass life becomes uncovered. It is love. During one of Jonas instructional meetings with the Giver, he gets the memory of a family at Christmas, encompassed by family members, incorporated by adoration. Jonas then comments, I was thinking, I mean inclination, really, that it was somewhat decent, at that point. .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263 , .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263 .postImageUrl , .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263 , .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263:hover , .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263:visited , .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263:active { border:0!important; } .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263:active , .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263:hover { mistiness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: rel ative; } .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u06401ef 2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u06401ef2714127dfe9d47b2a1e64b263:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Drug Addiction Essay And that I wish we could be that way, and that you could be my grandparent. The family memory appeared to be a little Bofinger 3 more Complete?(126), the Giver proposes, to which Jonas answers, I enjoyed the sentiment of love(126). Without adoration ones life can't be finished. Not having the decision to adore others, Jonas finds, is gradually obliterating him. While talking about Jonas changing sentiments towards his companions Fiona and Asher, it is expressed, he felt such love for Asher and Fiona. Be that as it may, they couldn't feel it back, without the memories(135). .
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Dissociative Identity Disorder Essay - 632 Words
Dissociative Identity Disorder Sexual molestation, beating, neglect, burning, and verbal abuse. All of these horrible happenings are believed to be linked to a condition known as Multiple personality disorder (MPD). Multiple personality disorder, also known as dissociative identity disorder, is a mental illness in which a person has two or more identities or personalities. Single personalities randomly take control of the individuals behavior. Usually, the sufferer gives the personalities their own names. These multiple personalities almost always have characteristics that greatly differ from the persons primary identity. A person with this disorder always experiences some amount of amnesia. Most of the time the individual forgets†¦show more content†¦In 1994 the American Psychiatric Association (APA) changed the name of the disorder from multiple personality disorder to dissociative identity disorder. Psychiatrists wanted to emphasize the fact that the disorder is not really made up of many personalities living in one body, but rather of a failure to integrate various aspects of identity into a unified personality ( Simply put, individuals who suffer from this condition have only parts of personalities. Instead of any one complete identity. Multiple personality disorder is, in most cases, related directly to physical and sexual abuse as a child. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to diagnose a young child with this disorder because their personalities arent fully developed at this stage. Another related cause of dissociative disorder is trauma. Whether it be because of, sexual abuse, rape, combat, natural disasters, accidents, concentration camp experiences, loss of loved ones, financial catastrophes or severe marital discord ( Kluft and Putnam are two psychologists who have proposed a list of causes of multiple personality disorder. 1. A history of repeated child abuse. 2. Subtle alternating personality changes such as a shy child with depressed, angry, seductive, and/or regressive episodes. 3. Amnesia of abuse and/or other recent events such as schoolwork, games and music. 4. Trance-like states. 5. HallucinatedShow MoreRelatedDissociative Identity Disorder ( Dissociative Disorder )1040 Words  | 5 PagesDissociative Identity Disorder Dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, is a mental illness that is greatly misunderstood, much like many other mental illnesses. Nicholas Spanos, Professor of Psychology, hypothesized Multiple Personality Disorder as a defense against childhood trauma that creates â€Å"dissociation†or a split mental state. The trauma sustained during childhood is so substantial, that the individual creates different identities to cope with itRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder ( Dissociative Disorder )1194 Words  | 5 PagesDissociative Identity Disorder is a disorder distinguished by the existence of two or more distinct personality states. It is also known as DID or Multiple Personality Disorder. It is very rare, with only 20,000 to 200,000 known US cases per year. Currently, there is no known cure, but treatment can sometimes help. Many believe that DID can be caused by a significant trauma and is used as a coping mechanism to help avoid bad memories. The disorders most often form in kids victim to long-term physicalRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder970 Words  | 4 Pages Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is a severe condition in which two or more dissimilar identities, or character states, are present and alternately take control of an individual. The person experiences memory loss that is vaguely extensive to be explained as common forgetfulness. These symptoms are not taken in consideration for by seizures, substance abuse or any other medical conditions. Description of DID: Symptoms: Read MoreDissociative Identity Disorder2780 Words  | 12 PagesDissociative Identity Disorder Imagine waking up in a new house, town, city, even state and not knowing how you got there. Now add onto that thought of forgetting almost a year of your life because someone else, or something, has taken over your body. That is just a look into dissociative disorders in general. Dissociative Disorders are ‘extreme distortions in perception and memory†(Terwilliger 2013). Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), or previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder, isRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder2296 Words  | 9 Pagesdefines dissociative identity disorder (DID) as the occurrence of a minimum of two different personalities and maybe more than two. It also clarifies that the switching between the distinct personalities can be observed by the individual who is suffering from dissociative identity disorder or witnessed by others. (Barlow, 2014, P. 1). This disorder used to be known as multiple personality disorder, which is more recognized and understood to peop le without a psychology background. This disorder can beRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder1221 Words  | 5 PagesThis research paper is about Dissociative identity disorder (DID) as known as multiple personality disorder. DID in which a person could have many different parts to their personality due to severe stress and an experience of a trauma. A person with DID when the have control over their one identity they cannot remember what they did when their other identities were in control. Most of the time people with DID have two personalities but they could have more than two which is referred as alters. ThenRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder : Dissociative Identification Disorder1485 Words  | 6 PagesDissociative Identity Disorder Dissociative Identity Disorder is a mental disorder where an individual experiences two or more distinct personalities. When an individual is diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, one personality has dominant control of an individual. This personality controls how a person may act and how they live everyday life. A person diagnosed with this disease may or may not be aware of their alternate personalities. Each personality is contrasting of each other withRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder2158 Words  | 9 Pagesâ€Å"Dissociative Identity Disorder†Through out the years there has been many disorders that continue to be diagnosed on people, many can be difficult to deal with. Some of these disorders can be uncontrollable and can make it harder on the patients who are trying to get better. Disorders are not sicknesses that can be cured and gone with a couple of doses of medicine, disorders are serious problems a person has to deal with usually if not for a large amount of time, it can be every day for the restRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder1030 Words  | 5 PagesDissociative Identity Disorder Defining what is abnormal is not necessarily easy. There are many different criteria to determine what exactly is normal and what is abnormal. According to Ciccarelli and White (2012) as early as 3000 B.C.E. there have been human skulls found with holes in them. Archaeologists suspect this was caused because of the treatments they had years ago such as â€Å"trepanning†. Trepanning is done nowadays as well to remove extra fluids from the brain, as for years ago doctors didRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder ( Dissociative Personality )1254 Words  | 6 PagesDissociative identity disorder (previously known as multiple personality disorder) is thought to be a complex mental condition that is likely brought on by numerous variables, including serious injury amid early adolescence generally compelling, repetitive physical, sexual, or psychological mistreatment. The greater part of us have encountered mild dissociation, which resemble wandering off in fantasy land or losing all sense of direction at the time while taking a shot at an undertaking. In any
Friday, May 15, 2020
Sample of Business Report
Sample of Business Report ANZDL in Australia and New Zealand ANZDL in Australia and New Zealand produces rather large quantities of various details, which are used by Ford Motor Co in America. These car details surmount obstacles of 10,000 miles in order to get to their final destination on both north and south border of the USA. Every year more and more delivery spots appear according to the ANZDL schedule. Despite all these striking facts, ANZDL continues to be one of the most stable international providers for Ford Motor Co during all over 10 years. The supplier is well chosen and already proved by 10 years of tough cooperation. The price of the details made in the Australasia is less than the costs that might appear when producing the same details in USA. By all factors quality of the production does not loose to the standard number one. Ford Motor Co takes care about it, providing QOS every month and conducting the award programs, where ANZDL became the first ocean carrier winner. One of the major challenges of the global supply chain is a distance obstacle. All the systems are based on the constant use of internet and electronic data interchange. Tight communication between carrier and shipper helps to provide the service on time. The stated boundaries of delivery are well over thought and worked through: port-to-door basis northbound, and vice-versa southbound. The combination of vehicles that go through the whole country works as a clock.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Dementia Carer Education And Patient Behavior Disturbance...
Week 5 Nurs 8200 The article is titled â€Å"Dementia carer education and patient behavior disturbance. International journal of geriatric psychiatry†by Coen et al. (1999). The topic is on the topic of dementia carer with the purpose to evaluate the impact of dementia Carer Education Program on carer quality of life, wellbeing, and burden. The study was a Single group before and after the intervention study. The clear description of the study design makes it convenient to understand. A sample population of 32 dementia carers was taken. Thirty-two carers were enrolled for the successive three runs each about 8 months apart. They were interviewed prior to starting the study. Of the thirty-two carer, four were lost to longitudinal follow-up and the remaining 28 were interviewed again 6 ±7 months after the program. The intervention applied was clearly mentioned as eight weekly two hours support and education sessions by a Psychogeriatric clinical team. The interview was done by an experienced psychologist. The result of the study was, therefore, valid. The researcher did a Pre-programme and 6 months post-programme to obtain the data. The data source Measures included quality of life, burden, well-being, managing problem behavior, appraisal of social support, knowledge of dementia, and perception of the program. The Patients were characterized in terms of cognition, behavior disturbance, and functional status. With the two pilot runs of the program, out of the thirty-two enrolled inShow MoreRelatedA Study On My Clinical Placement Essay3175 Words  | 13 PagesPolytechnic During the first day of my clinical placement, it was my first encounter to see a wide array of elderly population. My preceptor oriented me about the common medical diagnosis of the residents and told me that most of them have Dementia. Personally, I am not familiar in handling this kind of condition since it is not my field of expertise. I have an idea that it is not a disease but rather a manifestation of symptoms that affect mental task and reasoning of an elderly contributingRead More Professional, Ethical and Legal issues in nursing Essay2252 Words  | 10 PagesAssociation (ANA), (2010) â€Å"the nurse promotes, advocates for and strives to protect the heath, safety and right of the patient†(p. 6). Nursing responsibilities should be acted at the highest standard and must be based on legal and ethical obligations. Healthcare provider’s perception and judgment in the patient’s well being as well as taking into account the right of the patient in every action is one of the key elements in nursing practice. International Council of Nurses (ICN), (2006) states â€Å"TheRead MoreOlder Clients Essay8017 Words  | 33 Pagesaccommodation, meals, laundry and 24 hour on-call staff support. (Australian Government department of health ageing ,2011b) d) Is respite offered in either type of care? Yes Respite care is for individuals who still live at home with a carer Services can be either in the clients home, in their community, at Blue Care Centre-based respite facilities or in our residential aged care facilities. Cottage overnight emergency accommodation is available in some areas. In-home respite focusesRead MoreEssay on Caring for a Person With Dementia2027 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction Dementia is an umbrella term used to explain the gradual decline in multiple areas of functions, which includes thinking, perception, communication, memory, languages, reasoning, and the ability to function (Harrison-Dening 2013). Worldwide, 47.5 million people have dementia and there are 7.7 million new cases every year. Alzheimers disease is the most common cause of dementia and may contribute to 60–70% of cases. (Alzheimers society 2014). The complexity of dementia presents a numberRead MoreThe Impact Of Dementia On Caregiver Health2939 Words  | 12 PagesThe Impact of Dementia on Caregiver Health Melodie Nelson Florida Institute of Technology Abstract Caregivers play a crucial role in the care of dementia patients. Providing care for dementia patients results in stress related health impacts to the caregiver. The caregivers go through a journey with the dementia patient and need a strong support system. The best approach to dementia care is for health care providers to provide information to and monitor the caregiver, in addition to theRead MoreNvq Level 26498 Words  | 26 Pagessettings 1. Give three reasons why people want to communicate. 1. People may want to communicate to express their wants or needs. 2. People may want to communicate to share their ideas or to teach others for example if i were taking a new carer out shadowing I would want to communicate effectively so i know I have done my best to let them know what and how to do the job. 3. People may want to communicate to express their feelings as it is not always possible to tell from facial expressions
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Three Musketeers Analysis Essay Example For Students
The Three Musketeers Analysis Essay DArtagnan goes to France to become a Musketeer. But on his way he gets into a fight with a tall ,dark haired nobleman with a scar on his right cheek. He sees the man talking to a woman named Milady de Winter. DArtagnan finally finds the captain of the musketeers Monsieur de Treville. DArtagnan sees the man that defeated him and runs afterhim. But on his way he runs over wounded Athos and he also runs into Porthos. He ranthrough the street but could not find the man. Athos gets mad and challenges DArtagnanto a duel. But when they were about to fight five Cardinal Guards attack them, andDArtagnan is rewarded for his bravery. One day his landlord comes to him with afavor and he excepts it because he has not paid his bill for three months rent. Constance Bonacieux was kidnapped. While he is telling his friends the whole storyhe hears his landlord yelling because he was being arrested. But they do not save himfor if they get arrested then they will not be able to rescue him. At night he heard someone crying. He looked through the hole on the floor of his apartment, and saw the guards tying up a young woman. He brakes the door and scares the guards away. Shethanks him and they fall in love .He then guides her safely to the palace where she is a maid for the Queen of France. But a man comes beside her and DArtagnan isabout to fight him but she stops them and tells DArtagnan that it is only theDuke of Buckingham and that he has come to meet the Queen. The Queentells him to leave because he might be in danger .He asks her to give him somethingto remember her by ,so she gives him a ribbon with twelve diamonds on it. She didnt know but on of her maids were spying on her, the maid immediatelyreported it to Richelieu. Richelieu told the King to schedule a ball in ten days in the Queens honor. He told Milady de Winter to steal two of the diamonds from theribbon to show the King that his Queen gave it to another man. Constance asks DArtagnan to tell the Duke about the ribbon, and the Queens danger. TheDuke gets someone to make a pair that looks just the same so he can get the Queenout of great danger. The Cardinals plan is ruined and he wants to get revenge. She gets him to like her and do to whatever she tells him/ her maid warns himand he finds out that she has the brand of the executioner. He escapes from herand shows Athos her brooch. He now knows she didnt die. The Cardinal sees themusketeers and asks them to go back with him to the inn. Athos starts to hear voicesfrom a pipe. They leave and he goes to Miladys room. He tells her to give him thewarrant and she does because she doesnt want him to kill her. She does getrevenge though she gets another man to help and fall in love with her. He gets her on a boat and tells her to wait for him. DArtagnans servant is on the same but when he gets to the Duke he is already dead. He gets arrested and everyone is sad. On the way back Planchet recognizes Milady and Rochefort in a carriage. He over-hears them saying that Constance is at Bethune and that they are going there. .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990 , .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990 .postImageUrl , .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990 , .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990:hover , .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990:visited , .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990:active { border:0!important; } .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990:active , .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990 .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue63b23750ab9aef9edc868f1335d8990:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Bipolar disorder 3 EssayMilady lies to the nun and tells her she wants to see Madame Bonacieux. Milady orders food and tells Constance to eat. She pours Constance wineand puts red powder in it. By the time they get there Constance is already dead. DArtagnan kills Rochefort and Athos ties up Milady and locks her in the carriage. A man with a mask over his face comes back with Athos. They all ride to a river and get off their horses. The man takes Milady out of the carriage anputs her on the ground. Then they each tell her crimes. Then the executioner tells his story. Then he takes off his mask and she knows who he is .She says that he is The executioner of Lille, the man who branded Her. He then grabs her by the arm and puts her in a boat tied up. He takes her to the other shore and stabbed her with his sword. The men on the other side could hear her scream of terror, and horror.
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